Clashing Strikes[Gym]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Kouji Matsubara
Clashing Strikes[Gym]
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2023 4:19:48 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar
When it came to Gyms, Kouji never really had an interest in it before . The man he considered to be his biggest challenge, but there were other Gym Leaders, and he had only met a few of them, clashed against a few of them.
Litteroot had one, with the great hole that led to another space…Kouji was utterly bamboozled to see a child as the one leading this gym.
It was why he had waited for the time he had, as the sun fell below the horizon, he stood there with his arms crossed; eyes focused at the door, for the young man to come out of it. He didn’t plan to impart violence onto a kid.
But to see if that kid really could be that good a Gym Leader. Eris Halla had been proof that kids could battle well, but was she really just an exception, or was she just one of a few.



Gym challenge time



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Blue Star

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
Clashing Strikes[Gym]
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2023 23:00:07 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Child labor laws ensured Hideo wasn't working too late at his Gym. The building itself was still open - while it was a Gym, there were still a number of social services that ran later - but Hideo himself was generally off duty by the time the sun was going down.

He usually went through a small routine before actually leaving: make sure he signed everything that needed signing, make sure all the battle rooms were cleaned up, go over what the Pokemon he'd left overnight would do.

And at the last step - get teleported home. He didn't actually live in Littleroot.

Yet that routine hit a hitch when one of his Pokemon notified him of someone outside the building, at the front doors. They'd been waiting for some time, as if waiting for someone or something. His Banette was already looking around for anyone else.


Time for a small change in routine, then.

The doors opened slowly, a Medicham the first to exit, watching the man. Hideo followed after, standing beside his Pokemon. One might catch a glimpse of a gaggle of Pokemon waiting behind the doorframe, all peering out before the doors came to a close.

"Hey there!" Hideo greeted, raising a hand to wave. "Don't think I've seen you here before!" His eyes were still closed shut as they always were, a small joke to diffuse the tension.

"It's a little late to sign up for a gym challenge. Unless you're waiting to pick someone up?"

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Kouji Matsubara
Clashing Strikes[Gym]
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2023 1:03:35 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar
Kouji looked down at the Medicham that came through fiirst, and then the boy behind him, a young teenager by any means, but even so.
”Nothing that serious bud, I’m just here to jump the gym leader. I’m guessing that’s you?” He didn’t pause for long, as if he already knew the answer to his own question. ”Don’t wanna cause too much disturbance, I’m a hooligan, not a terrorist. How ‘bout it kid, imma attack you the moment I bring out the pokeball, so prepare yourself.”
The boy’s eyes were closed, Kouji raised an eyebrow, he’d heard the rumours, but a blind kid was out here whooping trainer ass huh? ”Wanna do it here, or inside?” He’d be courteous, that was the only thing Kouji could offer to this guy. It was a matter of pride as well, if Hideo couldn’t see, then Kouji would tell him how it was.
”I’ll be using my Absol and Kommo’o. I might be being nice kid, but there ain't running away, even if you end up cryin' for your mom.” He stated as his pokeballs went up into the air, a red flash revealed both of his pokemon ready to strike and attack.



Gym challenge time



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Blue Star

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
Clashing Strikes[Gym]
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2023 1:05:01 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Had Hideo been carrying a mug of tea, this was the point where he would have sipped it. It was uncommon to get unruly visitors, but most of those got filtered out by his employees (whether politely by the humans or forcefully by his Pokemon). At the very least, it only sounded like the guy wanted a challenge.

"Well, we let people from all walks of life challenge the Gym here, hooligan or not. Though I guess terrorists would be off-limits." A small bit of humor to diffuse the tension. "I'd prefer if you just did a normal challenge, so we could set up a room and even get a nice background going. But it's a bit late for that, and I don't think my Pokemon'll be too happy if you go inside, so we can do it out here. There's some outdoor arenas for friendly battlers, right around the Gym."

Though before he led this challenger over, he had to choose his own Pokemon. In case this guy was as trigger-happy as he claimed.

"As for Medicham will be my first mon. And for my second, I think I'll add along my Orbeetle." From out of one of the windows, flew out his Orbeetle, the small bug floating a short distance away from Hideo. Said bug glared at the challenger, a single finger raised up - the closest it could offer to a middle finger with a two-digit hand.

There was at least one other Pokemon looking through the window. And through other windows as well. "So long as we play by the usual battle rules, my other Pokemon won't interfere or interrupt."

With that, he turned to head over to one of the outdoor arenas - though both of his chosen Pokemon kept an eye on the man and his team. "When we're there, I'll even let you get the first move."

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August 29th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Kouji Matsubara
Clashing Strikes[Gym]
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2023 15:33:48 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar
Kouji looked across at the younger boy, if anything he could act under pressure, he was calm, and he was directing him well.
There was something else to it all, was it self-assuredness or was it overconfidence? Kouji couldn’t quite tell. ”That’s fine, as long as you hurry up, I don’t care. Me and my pokemon just wanna brawl.” He said as he allowed himself to be guided towards the outside training area.
His two pokemon were a simple choice, Absol and Kommo’o, the dream tag team, or something to that extent. The two pokemon appeared in a flash of red, already bearing their teeth but neither having shot ahead before they got to the battlefield, and there Kouji stood across from Hideo.
”Don’t regret letting me start, Route two.” Kommo’o was the first to begin in that case, as he gave a powerful leer at the two pokemon, a powerful pressure that made it harder to defend.
”Absol, Night Slash.” A variation, route two was intended to be a followed up with sucker punch, but instead Absol used his horn before he rushed in, growing larger and darker with energies as he aimed for what he saw as the bigger threat, Medicham.



Gym challenge time



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Blue Star

October 18th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
Clashing Strikes[Gym]
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2023 23:43:15 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
"Challenger first is standard here." He had no regrets giving the man the first move; he'd already redirected the "jumping" into a regular challenge, so he'd stick to the rules of one.

So long as it remained one.

His two Pokemon felt the pressure of the Kommo-o's Leer upon them. The Medicham assumed a defensive posture, while the Orbeetle glared back at the dragon.

It, too, received the closest the Orbeetle could give to a middle finger on a two-digit hand. And that hand went down, a Reflective shield covering itself and the Medicham. It hadn't even waited for an order from Hideo - it already knew what he would've ordered, informing Hideo after the fact

With no objection from the boy, who simply nodded.

Just in time for the Medicham to be struck by the Absol, the Night Slash striking well - as well as it could.

"Get'em back!" Hideo ordered, the Medicham acting before he could speak, a Force Palm aimed straight for the Absol.

Slowly, outside of the arena, some onlookers approached - Pokemon, to be exact. A Banette was one of the first, rising halfway out of the Phantom Force it used to assess the area moments ago. Soon after followed a small, pink Ribombee, who perched itself atop the Banette's head.

They merely watched the battle. For now.

Medicham & Orbeetle affected by Leer
Orbeetle used Reflect
Medicham hit by Night Slash
Medicham used Force Palm on Absol

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August 29th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Kouji Matsubara
Clashing Strikes[Gym]
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2023 15:59:38 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar
Kouji was impressed at the guy’s quick thinking, even if he was a child, he could think on his feet well, answering a leer with a reflect.
The night slash was answered with a force palm that Absol took, shooting him backwards; it was a powerful strike, dangerous, but he skidded across the floor. His red eyes locked onto the opposing medicham, his horn glowed a bright pink before he shot off a psycho-cut at the Medicham.
As for Kommo’o, he used a substitute to hide behind as he prepared to fight properly. His eyes were fixed onto his opponent.
”You’re not bad, what made you wanna be a gym leader in the first place?”



Gym challenge time



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Blue Star

October 18th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
Clashing Strikes[Gym]
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2023 17:03:12 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
It was a question he'd been asked plenty of times - both before and after he'd gained the role. He'd give the same half-honest answer he'd given, barely even taking a moment to deliberate.

"I wanted to help teach people. Not just how to battle, but how to get through tough times. Hoenn's been going through a lot of tough times lately, and I learned a lot of people need help to get through them, even if they only need time to get back on their feet. Being a Champion would've made it harder to do, needing to be everywhere, but a Gym Leader's perfect for making a place where people can be safe. Where they can learn and improve."

The intent wasn't the dishonest part of his answer - rather, that being a Gym Leader hadn't been his goal from the start. He'd wanted to be Champion so long ago, when he first began the circuit. Yet he'd learned he just wasn't fit for the role, that he didn't have the strength to be the guardian Hoenn needed.

But saying he'd settled for being a Gym Leader wouldn't inspire much confidence.

The Psycho Cut came flying at the Medicham - but the attack wouldn't find it. With a cross of Hideo's hands, his Orbeetle swapped places with the Medicham, a timely Ally Switch changing the target to the Orbeetle itself. The Psycho Cut struck the Orbeetle, but it would be clear that not much harm was done.

His Medicham took the chance to act, her fist covered in ice as she leapt ahead, aiming to deliver an Ice Punch to the Kommo-o

's Substitute.

Orbeetle used Ally Switch on Medicham
Orbeetle hit by Psycho Cut
Medicham used Ice Punch on the Kommo-o('s Substitute)

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August 29th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Kouji Matsubara
Clashing Strikes[Gym]
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2023 0:23:43 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar
It wasn’t a bad thing.
Kouji tried to tell himself that as Hideo spoke, to help others, to protect them, but there was something that really grinded his gears about it, maybe it was the way he spoke, maybe it was what the boy wasn’t saying, but it really bothered him.
”You’re a kid, you might be a strong kid, but you’re a kid. You should be worrying about other things.” He ran a hand through his hair, he was only a few years older, but it still bothered him that things were put in such a manner.
But back onto the Pokemon battle, Absol struck the Orbeetle, his Psycho Cut did little but that was fine, the pokemon dashed forward; his horn growing darker by the second to deliver a night slash, it would be a stronger strike than just the psycho cut.
Whereas Kommo’o used this opportunity to begin his dance, it was a battle dance that caused its scales to shake against once another, then to gradually fall off, it was a high pitched noise for a moment before it completed its Clangerous Soul
”Leave that to the incompetent adults, you should just chase your dream or something.”



Gym challenge time



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Blue Star

October 18th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
Clashing Strikes[Gym]
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2023 23:27:21 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
This guy wasn't the first person to tell Hideo this - that he was better off leaving all the serious work to the adults while he just focused on less important stuff.

"The stuff that keeps happening in Hoenn doesn't care if I'm a kid or not," he answered. "A lotta people get their lives uprooted because of everything going on. I know a lot of people who had to resort to bad stuff because they didn't have anywhere else to go or nobody else to rely on."

And his Gym could serve as that; not just a place to battle, but a place to go to when times were tough, when someone needed help getting back on their feet. "And I know people that got caught up in bad stuff 'cause they had nothing else to turn to."

The Orbeetle was struck by the Absol's Night Slash, pushed back in the air, a Reflective light shimmering around to diminish the attack somewhat.

The Orbeetle was none-too-pleased by this, shouting obscenities at the Absol; incomprehensible to humans, but very comprehensible to the Pokemon watching - Hideo's Galvantula had brought its Joltik children to watch, and was now desperately trying to cover its children's ears.

The Medicham, meanwhile, realized too late that she'd gone to punch the wrong target. Her focus moved to the actual Kommo-o - just in time to watch it let out a Clangorous Soul. Apart from the loud screeching, no harm was done - yet.

The Medicham aimed to stop it, once more going on for an Ice Punch on the Kommo-o.

The Orbeetle, meanwhile, ended its verbal attack with a physical attack: it glowed bright red, letting out concentrated angry-bug-energy at the Absol and the Kommo-o, aiming to strike both with its Struggle Bug.

All the while, Hideo focused on the conversation, letting his Pokemon act on their own.

"But what if my dream now is to help teach people? And I can't just leave everything to other people; what'd I do if danger popped up at my doorstep? Wouldn't make sense to sit around and wait for someone else to handle it!"

Orbeetle hit by Night Slash
Medicham used Ice Punch on Kommo-o
Orbeetle used Bug Buzz Struggle Bug on Absol and Kommo-o

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August 29th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Kouji Matsubara
Clashing Strikes[Gym]
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2023 13:32:29 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

Kommo’o had no choice but to guard itself from the ice punch, the substitute was now gone, and the ice punch crashed against its now hardened scales, but it still gave some damage, but he had no choice. It gave a small sign to tell Absol to pull back, which the Dark Type pokemon did just as it began to shake its scales against one another.
Clanging Scales
The Struggle Bug struck Absol hard, sending ‘em backwards, and forced almost into submission, but the dark-type just about hung on, faring worse than the Kommo’o, who was not weak to the same move, but it felt like it was pushed back on, a strong strike that took some of te wind out. Kouji rose on eyebrow, but then again it was a weaker move, but on the other end, it weakened as well.
”Night Slash again, work that ‘Luck’ of yours.” Super Luck was a unique kind of ability shared by few, able to land a critical strike easier than most, Absol was blessed in that sense with its night slash, half of all strikes; the only path to getting past the reflective shield that was reflection.
”You sit back, live your life, because that’s the hardest thing to do. You might live in a future where that’s not possible to do anymore, especially if guys like me win. If I get my way, no-one will get to do that.” There was no smirk on his face, or any sneer in his tone.
”So take your chance now, let others handle it, and work on protecting yourself. Help people only when they can help you first, that’s what being a kid is, and that’s what’s hard about being a kid.”



Gym challenge time



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Blue Star

October 18th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
Clashing Strikes[Gym]
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2023 0:46:39 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
The Medicham had caught on to the Kommo-o's preparations, her attempt to knock it out quickly falling short. She noticed the quick signal it gave the Absol, and realized whatever was prepped was about to come in hard.

Her eyes glowed pink as a Detect warned her of what was about to come. Her Telepathy was quick to warn Hideo of the noise about to come, the boy covering his ears. It gave her the chance to jump out of the way of the incoming sound waves, evading the attack.

The Orbeetle was less fortunate, unwarned and nowhere near as speedy as Medicham. It got to enjoy the full force of those Clanging Scales, the little bug letting out a screech as it wobbled in the air.

Still in the fight, but just hanging in there. And very unhappy, if the yelling that followed indicated anything.

Though evading that attack didn't leave the Medicham in the clear. A Night Slash came from behind, landing a very heavy hit. It pushed her forward, the Medicham also on her last legs - yet still standing.

Hideo uncovered his ears, already given a quick assessment by his Medicham.

Though his attention was still on talking; he trusted his Pokemon enough to act on their own.

"For someone that tried to jump me, you sure do care a lot about my safety," he said, a smirk on his face. "Buuuut I spent way too much of my life doing nothing and sitting around. I'm not going back to that kind of life. And 'sides, wouldn't it be better to stop 'people like you' from winning in the first place?"

The ornery Orbeetle raised a hand up, aiming to envelop the Kommo-o in Psychic energy and toss it aside.

"But I'll be helping people, whether or not you want me to!"

Medicham used Detect to avoid the Clanging Scales
Orbeetle did not avoid the Clanging Scales
Medicham hit by Night Slash (critical)
Orbeetle used Psychic on Kommo-o

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Kouji Matsubara
Clashing Strikes[Gym]
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2023 18:18:43 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

”You’re a good kid, don’t wanna have to kill ya on the battlefield.” Kouji said as he looked at the younger boy, staring across the pokemon battlefield. ”But it’s your choice, if you’re out here, then come and beat me; I’ll try to beat you.” Kouji said as he drew out his knife, but it wasn’t for a battle but to show the mega stone.
”Why don’t we kick it into high gear?” He asked with a raised eyebrow, he was sure this kid had a special trick or two stored away too. You couldn’t become a gym leader without that.
But meanwhile, Absol jumped into the way of the Psychic, as if to block the devistating blow to Kommo’o, the dragon gave a nod of thanks before the two of them, standing side by side, got ready to clash again.
It would be a close one, that was for sure. One was weak, one was still holding on. Absol waited, ready, to use Sucker Punch the moment the opening showed itself, while Kommo’o got ready to release another Clanging Scales, his defenses would suffer, but that was fine.
”Just remember this in the future kid, if you’re going to be fighting, you’ll have to be ready to lose something. It might be tomorrow, it might be ten years down the line. To fight is to lose a part of you.” But in this case, it was most likely childhood itself.



Gym challenge time



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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,677 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
Clashing Strikes[Gym]
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2023 22:04:15 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
There was a notable change in Hideo's demeanor, the smile the boy had on his face dropping into a small frown. "Not sure if I wanna ask you to elaborate on that 'battlefield' part," he said, the displeasure in his voice clear. "'Sides, you're here for a Gym Challenge, right? Well, a 'jumping'."

The drawing of the knife didn't get Hideo to budge - he was still on the other side of the arena, and he already knew some of his Pokemon were watching the battlefield, some that were already on the outskirts. They could react fast enough if the guy tried to charge Hideo. One of his Telepathy-possessing Pokemon told him of the mega stone on the knife - probably the main reason it was drawn. "I'll stay right here," he answered.

An obvious provocation was obvious.

The Medicham was ready to make an attack, the Force Palm ready - but that Sucker Punch smacked her in the face. Her stamina failed her as she struggled to stay standing - she clearly wasn't going to be staying the fight.

But not without one last act of defiance; the moment those Clanging Scales started ringing, she ran to intercept, taking the full brunt of the attack. She wasn't standing at all after the attack, Hideo drawing her back into her Pokeball, but she accomplished her objective.

The Orbeetle could do little else but retaliate, another Struggle Bug flying out towards the Absol and Kommo-o, with what little strength the Orbeetle had remaining.

"Well, if people didn't go around trying to jump kids, then I wouldn't really have to fight, now would I?" He folded his arms. "But don't worry, I already know that I might lose things if I keep fighting. But I'd lose them too if I didn't fight, so I'm gonna at least go with the choice that gives me some agency in all this chaos. Gives me a chance to keep other people from losing things too."

Medicham hit by Sucker Punch (after attempting to use Force Palm and getting interrupted)
Medicham tanked the Clanging Scales
Medicham KO'd after her Piccolo impression
Orbeetle used Struggle Bug against the Absol and Kommo-o

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August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,301 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
Clashing Strikes[Gym]
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2023 23:09:51 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

”Maaah…I guess you’re right about that one, jumping ya and preaching to ya are weird, but then again…I don’t really dislike ya I guess. You’ve got guts, way too much of it.”
That’s really what it came down to, he was feeling out the league’s strength, and this child seemed far too calm. ”But then again, you’ve lost a fair amount anyway. You can’t see, can you?”
Medicham was a pokemon worth respecting, holding it on, but Kouji didn’t draw for the mega evolution, if the kid wasn’t going to do it, he didn’t want to do it either. ”Absol, push yourself another step, we can’t really fall behind can we.” He said to the pokemon who used a night slash to match the struggle bug…
But he was dropped instead, it was a natural weakness, that hit again and again. It was a one on one, Kommo’o had cut its own health twice over already this battle, taken multiple hits, so it was going to be decided rather quickly, rather soon.
”Let’s end on a high, strongest move against strongest move.” He said to the younger boy, it was time to wrap this one up. Kommo’o geared up in that moment to use it, there really was only one choice even with the Struggle Bug that struck it.
”Close Combat.” It would be ill advised, but with its boosted strength, with the fact that it had held on, it could only end with its fists. That was it, Kouji would depend on that in this moment as he drew back Absol.
And Kommo’o roared as he darted forward.



Gym challenge time



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